Equivalent sets have ... (A)  the exact same elements (B)  the opposite elements (C)  the same number of elements...

Self Exercise 05 No 01 Equal and Equivalent Set

Equivalent sets have ... (A)  the exact same elements (B)  the opposite elements (C)  the same number of elements...

Given that A = {x| −6 < 5x + 4 < 19 ,  x ∈ integers}. The number of...

Self Exercise 04 No 05 Subset

Given that A = {x| −6 < 5x + 4 < 19 ,  x ∈ integers}. The number of...

Let X be the set of letters in in the word NOTICE. The number of subsets X which has...

Self Exercise 04 No 04 Subset

Let X be the set of letters in in the word NOTICE. The number of subsets X which has...

A set has 32 subsets, how many elements does it have? (A)  3 (B)  4 (C)  5 (D)  6...

Self Exercise 04 No 03 Subset

A set has 32 subsets, how many elements does it have? (A)  3 (B)  4 (C)  5 (D)  6...

Given that: P = {x| x is a prime numbers between 7 and 17} Q = {x| x is...

Self Exercise 04 No 02 Subset

Given that: P = {x| x is a prime numbers between 7 and 17} Q = {x| x is...

Given that A = {x| x is prime factors of 24} The proper subsets of A, except ... (A) ...

Self Exercise 04 No 01 Subset

Given that A = {x| x is prime factors of 24} The proper subsets of A, except ... (A) ...